Like everything else, the world of medicine is being changed by technology in miraculous ways.
Telemedicine services are just one of the growing solutions to backlogged ERs and it’s a $36 Billion industry. Its continued development may help relieve the country’s healthcare crisis.
Check out these incredible advancements in the medical world because of telemedicine
Telemedicine Services Are More Than Telephones
Telemedicine services are not about call centers or teleconferences with your doctor. It’s the most advanced technology available where doctors to visit with and monitor patients in real time.
You can visit with your doctor or a specialist from a remote location. They are also able to monitor aspects of your health such as:
- Heart rate and blood pressure
- weight and BMI
- blood glucose and other levels
- abnormalities and irregularities in vitals
This is particularly useful with patients who are in rural and remote areas. It allows for treatment of many who wouldn’t otherwise see a doctor. The elderly, disabled, isolated or otherwise inaccessible.
Doctors can even administer treatment through telemedicine saving individuals and improving the quality of life for thousands.
Mental Health Care Crisis and Telemedicine Services Solutions
There’s a mental health crisis that’s screaming for solutions.
One person every 80 seconds dies by suicide in the world. Even the most advanced and wealthy societies leave thousands waiting for years to get much-needed treatment.
Telemedicine services are constantly evolving and offering solutions for some of those in crisis.
Canada has developed programs offering counseling and mental health treatments via internet and telemedicine services to remote first nation communities plagued by numerous mental health concerns.
Communities facing trauma, disasters and post-traumatic stress are receiving support otherwise impossible for them to get.
Homebound and Palliative
Telemedicine can bring peace and relief to homebound and palliative patients. They are able to be monitored in real time by medical staff while still having the comfort of being at home.
Patients that would otherwise need to be hospitalized or make various trips to the doctor for monitoring can now have peace of mind and rest.
Fighting Infections
Over 700 000 infections are acquired in a healthcare setting. Telemedicine can help find this epidemic too.
Patients risk of spreading or getting an infection is reduced by telemedicine services rather than lengthy hospital stays and numerous doctors visits.
Recognizing Problems Early
Signals that many patients ignore until too late are now recognized and addressed earlier.
Telemedicine can respond to heart issues, blood pressure, diabetic emergencies and more. Lives are saved in situations where normally they may not have even known there was a problem.
Limitless Possibilities and Priceless Benefits
Telemedicine is the future of healthcare and will continue to save countless lives. The possibilities are limitless and the benefits are priceless.
To learn more about how Telemedince services can benefit check out our F.A.Q.
Or feel free to contact us today