Americans are visiting the doctor less than they used to. Instead, they are searching for information about their health online. Many Americans forgo doctor’s appointments because of rising health care costs, but many others feel that they’re just too busy...
Telehealth, Telemedicine
Over the last several decades the medical industry has seen tremendous advances, both with treatment options and patient services. Today, virtual doctor visits are a new, growing trend. Seeking medical attention in the event of an issue is imperative for maintaining...
Telehealth, Telemedicine
The global telehealth market is blooming. Experts predict that it will generate over $40 billion by 2021. Despite its rising popularity, this industry still isn’t fully understood. In fact, there are still many people who telehealth with telemedicine. Even...
Nearly every aspect of our lives can be conducted digitally at this stage in history. With limited time at our disposal, conducting business remotely can be a huge convenience. Even some of the most personal aspects of our lives can be conducted on the internet as can...
When’s the last time you heard someone say that they love going to the doctor? Probably never. The hours are inconvenient, the experience is unpleasant, and it’s an added expense. For many people, this means that they just skip regular doctors’...